Dr. Mpanga Mary
Dr. MPANGA MARY first became interested in medicine at the age of ten having been inspired by her mother who is a midwife. She attended Nabisunsa Girls School for O level and St. Josephs SS Naggalama for A level from where she joined the university to pursue her medical degree. She graduated with Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Medicine in 2019 and her experinces in medical school eventually led her to attend an internship program at Mengo Hospital. She then began her career as a general doctor at Norvik Hospital.
Dr. Mpanga Mary is known for her patience, dedication and attention to detail for each individual patient case and hopes to continue to use her medical skills in order to further the medical field helping to improve patient outcomes.

Miss Joan Akiiza
Miss Joan Akiiza – Is an activist ,environmentalists, a lawyer by profession and a certified Human Rights Defender with over 7 years’ experience of working with the NGO sector. Currently employed at the National Association of Professional Environmentalists as a Senior Officer Legal and Gender affairs. My work experience spans from coordinating project implementation that is meant to bring impact at community level with grassroots women and girls. I have keen interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution, climate change and women’s rights. Have spearheaded formation of Local peace committees for conflict resolution in Refugee settlements and internally displaced camps.
Have carried out advocacy campaigns on Human rights , Land rights , natural resources conservation , civic space, supported community interest litigation and dialogue with multinational companies’ in compliance with social & environmental standards.

Nassejje Mariam
Teacher, Black SLE (Lupus) Patient and Advocate
Co-Founder and CEO Lupus Initiative Uganda (LUPINU)
Mariam Nassejje is an avid SLE/lupus advocate and patient. As a teacher and lupus patient for the last 14 years, I am passionate about advocating for and creating Lupus awareness while bringing people living with Lupus together.
As much as I love the outdoors, my activities are limited in this area. I therefore spend my time reading and raising my 6 year old daughter and 2 year old son.
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/NassejjeMariam
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariamseb85
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ms.lupie
Email: mariamnassejje@lupus-initiativeuganda.org
Website: www.lupus-initiativeuganda.org

Eng. Dennis Williams Ssegawa
Eng. Dennis Williams Ssegawa is a 35 year old Ugandan National. A registered and practicing Civil Engineer, Dennis Holds A bachelors Degree of Civil and Building Engineering (KYU), a Master of Civil Engineering (MUK) and a Master of Public Infrastructure Management (MUK). Dennis is also a graduate of Leadership from Strathmore University Business School. He is a Performance and utility management expert, a Balanced Scorecard Master Professional as well as a certified KPI-P professional under Strategy Management – by George Washington University, USA. Dennis is a trained water and sanitation expert with accredited certification by ARI University (Israel) and JICA (Osaka, Japan).
A dynamic and experienced professional with expertise knowledge in corporate Planning, strategy formulation and implementation, project coordination and management, implementation, Institutional Development Support, Performance Management, monitoring and evaluation, infrastructure engineering as well as Sanitation in developing countries.
Dennis has acquired experience and accredited training in Strategy development and evaluation, Projects/ Contracts management under PPDA and FIDIC, Policy development and formulation.
I have previously coordinated projects executed under Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) as well as National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) locally. I have also been part of Strategic Planning and Institutional Development Support missions on the international forum with particular assignments in business performance, strategy formulation, monitoring and evaluation in Sierra Leone (SALWACO), Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCO) in Tanzania, Taraba State Water Agency (TSWA) – Nigeria, Kaduna State Water Board in Nigeria, as well as MINUSMA in Mali. Dennis has also undertaken Institutional assessment assignments for development of performance improvement pathways for African Water and Sanitation service providers undertaken by The African Water Association (AfWA) and African Development Bank (AfDB).
Currently with in charge of Strategy formulation and execution at UEGCL, having formerly been at NWSC under the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation department. Dennis is a registered Engineer with the Engineers Registration Board of Uganda, a Balanced Scorecard Master Professional as well as a certified KPI-P professional.